走進《狄更斯聖誕市集 The Great Dickens Christmas Fair》的布簾幕後,彷彿來到大文豪查理斯 · 狄更斯于倫敦故居-肯頓鎮的古老巷弄。時空場景設定於英國19世紀維多利亞時代的街坊市集,束著馬甲、身著高腰蓬裙的仕女,與帶著高帽的紳士們在此瀏覽華美帽鋪、挑選蕾絲手扇、進入沙龍編髮。或者,來到古董書店裡挖寶、讓街頭的藝術家為你畫張像、跟著老奶奶一起製作手工蠟燭。走累了,就前往酒吧,取杯暖呼的奶油萊姆酒、抓一包剛炒香的糖栗、或點盤蘇格蘭傳統Haggis,進入小劇場觀賞戲劇和歌舞表演…幸運的話,還能巧遇出巡的維多利亞女皇與夫婿,或者在劇場裡撞見狄更斯,和他攀聊上幾句!
《狄更斯聖誕市集》於舊金山南邊約二十分鐘車程的Daly City Cow Palace展覽中心舉行,是舊金山最「有戲」的聖誕市集!現場工作人員的角色入戲十足,有趣的更是遊客們也煞有其事,男男女女穿起維多利亞時期的風華服飾前來參與,認真的程度讓我們由衷佩服讚嘆!
The Great Dickens Christmas Fair is a must-see holiday fair in SF. The background of the fair is set in the mid-19th-century Camden Town, where Charles Dickens used to live in London. Fair staff and even a lot of visitors dressed up in Victorian fashion to join the fair. Workers role-play and pretend they are somebody from that era, while talking to each other and even the visitors. It is amazing how serious people are about it!! Visitors are able to wander around various shops that sell Victorian gowns, hats, coats, vests, hand fans, and Christmas decorations etc. There are also small theatre where people come watch performances and plays. Keep eyes open, the great (fake) Victoria Queen and her husband might be passing by! Or you may bump into (fake) Dickens himself in the theatre!