• 舊金山早午餐 Brunch in SF:Kitchen Story
  • 舊金山早午餐 Brunch in SF:Kitchen Story
  • 舊金山早午餐 Brunch in SF:Kitchen Story
  • 舊金山早午餐 Brunch in SF:Kitchen Story
  • 舊金山早午餐 Brunch in SF:Kitchen Story

舊金山早午餐 Brunch in SF:Kitchen Story

如果在舊金山只有時間品嚐一家早午餐廳?那麼Kitchen Story帶點亞洲巧思的加州食材創意,加上色香味俱全、連擺盤都是一門賞心悅目的藝術,絕對值得成為首選!喜歡甜味烘培早點的你,不妨試試這裡的法式厚吐司(Mascarpone Stuffed Deep Fried French Toast):馬斯卡波尼鮮奶酪被填入極厚片吐司裡共同入鍋輕炸,讓吐司外層如甜甜圈般香酥口感、內餡則豐厚濕潤,配上新鮮莓果、淋上佛蒙特楓糖漿、蜂蜜奶油、或榛果一同入口,酸甜滋味搭配咖啡或茶飲剛好。若是偏好鹹食早午餐,那麼新英格蘭漢堡(New England Burger)是饕客首推:不僅有楓糖漿浸漬過的和牛肉餡,更夾了一層別處吃不到的特製「百萬富翁培根」(Millionaire’s Bacon)—撒上黑糖、黑胡椒、紅心辣椒後,入柴火烘烤的鮮厚培根!再鋪上嫩芝麻葉、日式醃漬蘿蔔片、搭配厚薯塊…漢堡豐厚到難以優雅口咬,只好改以刀叉禮貌享用。

Among all the famous brunch places in SF, our favorite goes to the “Kitchen Story” in the Castro. In my book《舊金山自助超簡單, I have introduced you the authentic Frittata from “Dottie’s True Blue Cafe”, the savory homemade Crawfish Beignet from “Brenda’s French Soul Food”. They are still legendary. However, I can’t think of any reasons that you should miss giving “Kitchen Story” a try before you leave town!

Different from other brunch places, “Kitchen Story” offers California cuisine with a little Asian twist. If you have a sweet tooth, don’t miss their one of a kind “Mascarpone Stuffed Deep Fried French Toast”. If you prefer a savory meal, my favorite dish is the “New England burger”. Its millionaire’s bacon—which seasoned with brown sugar, black pepper, and cayenne before baking is a killer. I don’t care how much calories it contains, because it’s too good. ;p Let’s talk about exercise later. If you have to have eggs to call it a proper brunch, the “Millionaire’s Benedict” includes the thick juicy bacon as a bonus too. 

All the dishes are very beautifully presented, which makes you want to try them all. But beware, they are also huge portions.

Try to be there no later than 10am on the weekends, otherwise waiting in a long lineup is inevitable. By all means, Bon Appetit! :)



Written by 舊金山﹒輕生活

著有《舊金山自助超簡單》、《西洋節慶好好玩:輕鬆上手的派對指南》,並為天下雜誌集團《換日線 Crossing》撰寫專欄文章。 Email: eatplaylovesf@gmail.com | Facebook: /eatplaylovesf