「舊金山 Project Wife」即日起正式更名為「舊金山﹒輕生活|Eat.Play.Love in SF」,希望新的Logo能帶給大家耳目一新的感受:)FB粉絲團專頁也同步更名囉!
近幾個月因為如火如荼地趕著截新書稿,比較少有時間與大家分享舊金山,如今終於將手稿交出,Natalie會努力讓新的「舊金山﹒輕生活|Eat.Play.Love in SF」更有活力。謝謝大家一路以來的鼓勵,接下來也請繼續支持新網頁 ♡。
Dear friends, “舊金山 ProjectWife” has officially changed its name to “舊金山﹒輕生活|Eat.Play.Love in SF”. I hope you find the new logo design refreshing and enjoyable. For the past few months, I have been a busy bee trying to meet the deadline of my new book. Now that it’s all done, I would love to share more with you about this lovely city we live in. Thank you for your encouragement all along, and please keep supporting this website and our FB fan page!